One year after the
release of Silent Hill 3 in 2003, Silent Hill 4: The Room hit the
PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC.
During the
development of Silent Hill 3, Team Silent split in two teams.
The first team
including Hiroyuki Owaku and Masahiro Ito created Silent Hill 3.
The second team
involved Suguru Murakoshi (writer & director), Kosuke Iwakura
(program director), Masashi Tsuboyama (art director & creature
designer), Akira Yamaoka (sound director & producer), and Akihiro
Imamura (sub-producer) developed what came to be known as Silent Hill
4: The Room.
I am including
several quotes from Team Silent members Masashi Tsuboyama, Akira
Yamaoka, and Akihiro Imamura from interviews around the time that
Silent Hill 4 was released (2004-2005).
Silent Hill 4 has a
lot of changes in gameplay making it different from the first three
Some fans like the
game, and some don't.
These quotes are
from the team members explaining why the game is the way it is.
Whether these
changes are liked or not, it's good to know why the creators made the
decisions for the changes.
The links for the
interviews I use are pasted at the end.
For years, it has been claimed by many fans that Silent Hill 4 was not originally suppose to be a Silent Hill game.
In an interview in
April 2005, Akihiro Imamura states "Well, keep in mind SH4 was
not originally suppose to be a Silent Hill."
Masashi Tsuboyama
and Akira Yamaoka said in an interview, "In a sense this is true
because the game began life as simply Room 302. However, it was
always at least a spin-off of Silent Hill and the most important
thing was simply that it be different to the previous games.
Certainly if Silent Hill had not existed we would not have gotten the
idea for The Room, so in that sense they have always been together."
Unfortunately, the
Boomtown interview with Tsuboyama and Yamaoka does not list who gave
each answer.
Due to this, I don't if Tsuboyama or Yamaoka said the latter quote.
Due to this, I don't if Tsuboyama or Yamaoka said the latter quote.
Despite this fact,
both quotes prove that Silent Hill 4 started out as a game with a
connection to Silent Hill with the working title Room 302, and later
called Silent Hill 4: The Room.
Some Silent Hill
fans claim that Silent Hill 4 is a Silent Hill game in name only
because Konami thought it would make more money with a Silent Hill
It is possible that
Room 302 became Silent Hill 4 partly due to a business decision.
Business decisions
play a big role on how video games turn out.
Whether Room 302
became Silent Hill 4 due to a business decision or a creative
decision (maybe both played a role), Silent Hill 4 has everything to
do with its predecessors.
Yes, it is quite different from the previous games, but it makes a good Silent Hill game even with its changes and its flaws.
Yes, it is quite different from the previous games, but it makes a good Silent Hill game even with its changes and its flaws.
The protagonist of
Silent Hill 4 is Henry Townsend.
He lives in a city
called South Ashfield, and he has been living in his apartment room
302 of South Ashfield Heights for two years.
One day he began
having a strange dream every night, and he became trapped in his
The door is chained
on the inside, he can't open the windows, he can't make phone calls
to anyone, and no one outside his apartment can hear him no matter
how much noise he makes.
After five days of
being confined in his room, a large hole appears in the wall of his
bathroom, and his only choice is to crawl through it with the hopes
of escaping.
The first thought
that comes to someone's mind might be, "if it doesn't take place
in Silent Hill then what does this game have to do with Silent Hill?"
I can't answer this
question without giving too much of the plot away.
I will say that
Henry visits different dream worlds when he goes through the hole in
his bathroom wall.
Two of these dream
worlds take place in or near Silent Hill.
Also keep in mind
that part of Silent Hill 3 does not take place in the town itself.
Just because the
game does not entirely take place in Silent Hill does not mean that
it has nothing to do with the town.
The game has two
different play styles.
Henry's room is
always in first person mode, and all exploration outside of Henry's
room is in third person mode.
This is the first
Silent Hill to have first person mode.
Some people don't
seem to like first person in Silent Hill 4.
I have no problems
with first person in the game, and it controls just fine.
The buttons are
mapped the same in first person as it is in third person.
The only difference is that there is no fighting while you're in the room (all fighting take place outside the room in third person), and the left analog stick is used to walk while the right analog stick moves the camera.
The only difference is that there is no fighting while you're in the room (all fighting take place outside the room in third person), and the left analog stick is used to walk while the right analog stick moves the camera.
In the Boomtown
interview with Tsuboyama and Yamaoka, they're asked about using first
person for the room, and one of them responds, "We wanted to
bring another kind of atmosphere to the game, as if you really were
in the room."
When asked about
the game's setting in the same interview, "The idea for The Room
is that we wanted to show somewhere that should be the safest place
in the world. But turning this assumption on its head we hope to
generate the fear you feel in the game."
It definitely worked
for me.
Being in first
person in Henry's room makes me feel like I'm really in that room,
and I feel safe in there.
The room even heals
Henry's health, but that changes later in the game when Henry's room
is not a very safe place to be anymore.
When I first played
Silent Hill 4 and I got to this point in the game, I had to quit
playing for a while.
The fact that the
room was no longer safe made me feel very uncomfortable.
The room also serves
as a hub.
You save your game
in the room, and there is no other place to save.
The pause inventory
screen with infinite space in Silent Hill 1-3 is not in Silent Hill
Instead, the
inventory is limited to ten slots.
Players access the
inventory by pressing the square button (PS2 version), and the items
in the inventory appear at the bottom of the screen.
The d-pad scrolls
through the items, and pressing square will equip a weapon or use an
The game does not
pause when the inventory items are on the screen.
I think the game
pauses when you examine an item in the inventory though, and players
do this by pressing the select button.
Unneeded items can
be storied in a chest in Henry's room, which does have infinite
Understandably, some
fans do not like this kind of inventory.
One criticism I have
is that it is easy to accidentally press square, and use an item like
a health drink when you don't need it.
I do wish Silent
Hill 4 had the pause inventory screen like the previous games except
with just ten slots to hold items.
Limiting item
inventory is not well liked by some fans either especially when items
like health drinks, ammunition, etc. will go in each slot one at a
For example, if you
want to take two health drinks then one will go in one slot and the
other will go in the next slot.
Limiting inventory
space, how many items each slot can carry, and how often you can save
your game are among the main characteristics of survival horror.
Silent Hill has
always been categorized as survival horror since that it is how all
horror video games are known.
In Silent Hill 1-3,
players do have to worry about surviving to a certain extent
especially on harder difficulties, but they're more focused on
psychological horror.
Silent Hill 4 is more of a mix of psychological horror and survival horror.
Silent Hill 4 is more of a mix of psychological horror and survival horror.
Surviving is more of
a worry in Silent Hill 4.
One tip I have for
surviving in the game is to take advantage of the room healing
Henry's health in the first half of the game, and save as many health
items as you can for later in the game when the room no longer heals
The inventory is not
as good as Silent Hill 1-3, but it is not bad either.
I just have the one
criticism of how easy it is to use a health item when you don't need
Speaking of Henry's
Since there is no
inventory pause screen, a meter for Henry's health appears on the
upper left corner of the screen when he takes damage and/or when he
is fighting enemies.
I've heard an
argument that the on-screen health meter is a distraction while
you're playing.
That is true in a way.
The good thing is that the health meter is not on screen when Henry is not taking damage or fighting enemies.
Thus, it is not a distraction throughout the game.
That is true in a way.
The good thing is that the health meter is not on screen when Henry is not taking damage or fighting enemies.
Thus, it is not a distraction throughout the game.
I could not find any
interviews of the team explaining why they changed the inventory.
I'm guessing it's
partly because they wanted the room to be the place players spend a
lot of time in, and it is place that you spend a lot of time in.
You will go to the
room to heal Henry's health (part of the game), save your game, and
store items in the chest.
Most memos in the
game are found at the front door of the room as if they were pushed
under it from the outside.
You can look through
the peephole of the front door to see characters walking outside.
There are some
scenes with these characters through the peephole.
You can also look
through Henry's window, and see everything going on outside including
what tenets are doing on the other side of the building.
The room is kind of
fun namely since this is the only Silent Hill game that has such a
Something else to
note is that there is more fighting and less puzzles than past games.
Akihiro Imamura
explains in an interview with Game World why Silent Hill 4 has more
fighting, "Sometimes the most vocal opinions, for example the
desire for more battles, are not always the best ones, especially for
a series like this. We wanted more melee combat in SH4, but realized
from fan reaction that there was just too much action, regardless of
it being melee or not. That kind of action doesn't make the
atmosphere creepy anymore, but kind of obnoxious."
Were there people
asking for more fighting in Silent Hill?
This quote makes
it sound like it.
Team Silent seemed
to be good about listening to their fans.
Silent Hill 3 was
originally suppose to have a completely different story, but fans
wanted a continuation of Silent Hill 1.
Due to fans'
requests, Silent Hill 3 was made show the outcome of the characters'
stories from the first game.
Increasing combat
and decreasing puzzles may have been due to some fan requests.
This got a mixed
reaction, and Team Silent was going to correct it with the next game
that unfortunately never happened.
I admit that it is
too bad that Silent Hill 4 does not have puzzles like the first three
games, but it doesn't take away from the game being good.
Like Imamura said,
there is more melee combat this time.
There are two
firearms in game: pistol and revolver.
I use melee weapons
throughout most of the game such as the steel pipe, baseball bat,
shovel, and axe.
I save the pistol or
revolver for certain parts of the game.
There are several
golf clubs that can be used as weapons, but I don't pick them up
because they're breakable.
I find breakable
weapons to be frustrating.
Enemies in the game
are a little difficult to fight at times.
Their difficulty
could be a way of making the game more action based and/or make it
more difficult to survive.
Another change is
that the game doesn't have tank controls like its ancestors, which
makes it difficult to control Henry when the camera goes to a
different angle.
Again, I can't find
any information on why they did this.
My guess is that it could be due to people complaining that they don't like tank controls.
My guess is that it could be due to people complaining that they don't like tank controls.
Silent Hill 4 shows
that tank controls are needed in a game where the camera is not
behind the main character at all times.
One last change that
I must list is that Henry never gets a flashlight or a radio.
The flashlight and
radio played a role in the horror in the preceding games.
The flashlight
allows the player (and the character) to see better in the darkness,
but having the flashlight on can also attract enemies to attack the
The radio emits
static when enemies are nearby, which in itself can be frightening
when you can't see enemies in the fog or dark.
In Silent Hill 4,
all the areas are well-light, and the flashlight is not needed.
There is a radio,
but it stays in the room.
In the first half of
the game, you can listen to some radio messages every so often.
It is more useful
later in the game.
The fact that the
flashlight is not needed and the radio stays in the room may be due
to the game having less fog and darkness.
Tsuboyama and
Yamaoka explain why the game is more well-light in the Boomtown
interview, "The brightness of the game, the lack of fog and
darkness, is to ensure that combat is fair but it could affect the
atmosphere negatively. We didn’t want it that way. This time we
wanted to do more obvious horror – to make the question for the
player what to do about a monster rather than wondering what or where
it is."
I agree that less
fog and darkness (as well no flashlight and no radio with Henry) does
hurt the atmosphere a little bit.
At the same time, I
do think more about what to do when I see enemies.
It makes me contemplate whether I should try to fight them or run.
It makes me contemplate whether I should try to fight them or run.
It may not be as
scary, but it does work the way that they wanted it to.
Before I move on to
explain the replayability, I must give a little word of caution.
There are three
things about Silent Hill 4 that some fans have a lot of dislike for:
revisiting the dream worlds, the escort mission, and Henry's
By revisiting dream
worlds, I mean that in the first half of the game you play through
five different worlds.
After playing
through the hospital (which is the midpoint of the game), you play
through the same five worlds for the second half of the game.
Of course, there is
a reason why Team Silent chose to organize the game this way.
Tsuboyama and
Yamaoka explain this in the Boomtown interview, "In regards
revisiting the different worlds in the game, we wanted to introduce
the various characters in the first half of the game, then show them
again later to see how they had changed. To us it was more important
to see the psychological horror of the characters."
If you've played
the game or will play the game, this will make a lot more sense.
It is actually not
uncommon in Silent Hill to revisit an area.
At least once or
twice in Silent Hill 1-3, you play through an area such as the school
or hospital while it's normal.
Then something
triggers the nightmare to take over changing the environment, and you
explore the same area again this time in its hellish form.
The entire second
half of Silent Hill 4 is revisiting areas except the environments
don't change much.
I definitely
understand that revisiting all the worlds a second time is to see how
the characters you meet in the first half have changed, but it does
feel a little repetitive.
Maybe it would have
helped if the environments had changed a lot more the second time
Revisiting the
worlds with much different environments could make it feel less
Something else about
the second half of the game is that Henry has to escort another
Yes, he must escort
someone else throughout the latter half of the game.
The other character
is also injured so Henry must wait on this person to go though a
door, or the character will be left behind.
You can equip the
escort character with a weapon, which can help in fighting enemies.
The problem is that
if you want to run from enemies, the other character will be too busy
hitting enemies to follow Henry.
Furthermore, when
the other character fights enemies then that person is more likely to
take damage.
The character
doesn't die while following Henry.
The amount of damage
this person has, however, can effect the ending.
Once again, I have
yet to find information on why the creators decided on an escort
I understand that
whether or not this person is saved is one of the conditions for the
I do think,
however, that saving this character could've been done differently
than having an injured companion through half of the game.
One last thing that
I must mention is that Henry does not have much of a personality, and
that bothers some players.
Tsuboyama and
Yamaoka explain Henry's character, "It is true that Henry does
not change much as a character, but rather things change around him.
Henry is supposed to be the player so we wanted it to be possible for
you to impose your own feelings of the game onto him, without him
contradicting you. Also if the character is too heroic, this might be
unrealistic. We wanted him to react to everything just as an ordinary
person would."
Henry's personality
does not bother me.
In fact, it makes sense that he doesn't have much of a personality because the story has very little focus on him, and he does not impose feelings on the player like Tsuboyama and Yamaoka said.
In fact, it makes sense that he doesn't have much of a personality because the story has very little focus on him, and he does not impose feelings on the player like Tsuboyama and Yamaoka said.
Much of the thoughts
and feelings from the game will come from the other characters,
reading memos, the disturbing images, and the seclusion of the room
with one way out.
Now for the
I've heard some fans
say that Silent Hill 4 does not have good replayability like the
first three games.
That depends on how one looks at it.
That depends on how one looks at it.
I look at all four
games, and see that each one has its own elements of replayability
with two things that are common among all of them.
It doesn't have
fourteen difficulties like Silent Hill 3, nor are there two sets of
difficulty levels for action and riddles like Silent Hill 2 & 3.
It has one set of
three difficulty levels: easy, normal and hard.
When the game is
beaten once, save after the results screen, and Brand New Fear can be
played during the second playthrough.
There is an extra
weapon when playing Brand New Fear: the chainsaw.
If a player scores
90 points, an unlimited sub-machine gun will be available for the
escort character during the next game.
The two female
characters can wear sexy costumes, but players must fulfill certain
conditions for each woman to wear them.
There are also two
in-game challenges.
Beat the game with a
perfect score to unlock one weapon mode.
In one weapon mode,
players choose one melee weapon to use during the entire game.
Then beat one
weapon mode with a perfect score to unlock all weapon mode.
The two common
replayability elements in all four games are multiple endings and the
intricate storylines.
Silent Hill 4 has
four endings, and which ending a player gets depends on two factors.
As for the
storyline, some fans say that the quality of Silent Hill 4's story is
not as good as past games.
A few others say
that it has nothing to do with Silent Hill.
I respectfully
disagree with both statements.
Like Silent Hill
1-3, the story of Silent Hill 4 is not straightforward, and requires
multiple playthroughs to better understand it.
Silent Hill 4's
connection with the first three games is not obvious, and it takes
good comprehension of all four games to see the connection.
The nightmare in
Silent Hill 4 also has everything to do with the nightmares in the
previous games.
The nightmare and
the trigger for the nightmare is different in each game, and that
includes Silent Hill 4.
I love Silent Hill 4
just as much as the first three games.
I would love to
recommend Silent Hill 4 to anyone that likes Silent Hill 1-3, but I
know it's not a game for every Silent Hill fan.
The gameplay in
Silent Hill 4 isn't quite as good as the previous games, but I still
enjoy it very much.
If you have not
played the game, and there things that I wrote about it that you are
not sure about then I would recommend watching some gameplay footage
on YouTube, Twitch or Hitbox.
It's always best to
play the game yourself to see if it's for you, but seeing the
gameplay footage can show how the game is played before deciding to
buy it.
For anyone who plays
some of the game and decides that you don't like it, I would suggest
to give it another chance after some time has passed.
Honestly, I did not
like Silent Hill 4 when I first got it, and played the beginning of
A few months
later, I gave it a second try, and I really liked it
Tsuboyama in the
Kizio interview comments on the concept of Silent Hill 4, "We
wanted to make a sequel after Silent Hill 3 and you could say that
was the initial concept, but upon that we needed to implement a lot
of new flavour to the sequel, otherwise it would have been the same
old Silent Hill."
Silent Hill 4 does
bring something new to the series, but it is a big change from the
first three games.
It's common for
people to have a hard time accepting big changes.
If you love Silent
Hill 1-3, and you think that story along with the nightmare is more
important than gameplay then I say give Silent Hill 4 a shot.
It shouldn't be hard
find on PS2 and Xbox, although the PC version seems to be a different
Silent Hill 4 is the most under-appreciated game in series, and sometimes the most misunderstood.
Silent Hill 4 is the most under-appreciated game in series, and sometimes the most misunderstood.
Akihiro Imamura
and Akira Yamaoka Interview with Game World (Apr. 23,
Mashashi Tsuboyama
and Akira Yamaoka Interview with Boomtown (Aug. 31,
Mashashi Tsuboyama
and Akira Yamaoka Interview with Kikizo (Sept. 6,
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